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Mulher emagrece mais de 130 kg, é alvo de piadas e dá lição de autoestima

Desde que começou sua luta contra a obesidade mórbida, Jacqueline Adan já foi alvo de inúmeros episódios de gordofobia e preconceitos. Nesta semana, ele exibiu mais de 130 kg a menos e relatou mais um dos momentos constrangedores que já viveu.

Desde que começou sua luta contra a obesidade mórbida, Jacqueline Adan já foi alvo de inúmeros episódios de gordofobia e preconceitos. Nesta semana, ele exibiu mais de 130 kg a menos e relatou mais um dos momentos constrangedores que já viveu.

Visualizar esta foto no Instagram.

Today I went to one of my happy places- the ocean. I like to go here to do a lot of my thinking. To clam down. To relax and to remind myself that everything is going to be ok. Since Disneyland is a little too far for today, the beach is a close second. I also like to go to the beach to remind myself that life has a funny way of pulling us in a certain direction. We can sometimes want to go the way it's pulling us and experience those adventures, and sometimes the path we are taken down can be scary, new and a path that was not planned. But the ocean reminds me that sometimes in the waves of change, we find a new direction. A new path. Reminding myself of this every once and a while really helps me keep going. Comment down below and let me know where your happy place is or where you like to go to relax. . . You can also shop this look using the app or the shop my looks link in my bio or on my blog. I linked some similar jeans because these are from last year and are sold out! #liketkit #LTKshoecrush #LTKcurves #bodyconfident #bodypositive #nordstrom #tedbaker #beach #california #blazer #ootn #fashionblogger #plussizefashion #selflove #myhappyplace #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #curvyblogger #extremeweightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation

Uma publicação compartilhada por Jacqueline's Journey (@jacquelineadan44) em

Ao invés de ficar magoada e quieta no canto, Jacqueline resolveu expor o episódio nas suas redes sociais, como contar qual é a sua atitude diante de pessoas preconceituosas.

"Aconteceu de novo. Ano passado, nas minhas férias, estava nervosa por usar um maiô e como meu corpo ia ser visto pelas outras pessoas. Apontaram para mim e riram quando eu entrava na piscina. Por um momento eu congelei, em completo constrangimento", relembra.

Visualizar esta foto no Instagram.

It happened again. Last year on vacation, I was so nervous to wear a bathing suit and I was so nervous about how my body would look to other people. I was even pointed at and laughed at when I went to get into the pool. For a moment I froze, in complete embarrassment, before I decided to move on and not care. Guess what? It happened again. It happened this year while I was on vacation again. Yes, I was walking on the beach and again I was pointed at and laughed and made fun of. As I was getting laughed at and pointed at something came over me. I was not embarrassed, I did not feel like I had to justify myself and I did not freeze or want to cry. I actually felt free! This time...I just did not care! I tried to go over every change inside my head as to why this year I just did not care. Then it finally hit me. I do not depend on the approval of others, and I do not care what others may or may not think about my body. I am so focused on living my best life, and I have been working so hard on loving me exactly how I am...loose skin and all- that I do not have time to worry about what others may think or say. I can finally say that I am at a place where I still have insecurities and a lot of loose skin, and yes mentally I still struggle at times, but I can finally say that my self love journey has been the focus of this past year, and being at this place in my life where I can walk around in a bathing suit and genuinely feel confident, happy and not care what others may think or say, that is true transformation. That is true growth. So I am sharing this picture of me in a bathing suit for all of you. This is me. Right now. This is my body. This is what hard work, sweat, blood, tears, smiles, happiness, pain, love, and hard work look like. This is what it looks like to finally accept my body for what it is. This is me. And I am not making anymore excuses as to why I look the way I do...this is just me. Loose skin, cellulite, stretch marks and all. This is me. And I can finally say, I love me! Head over to my YouTube channel to check out my full video where I share the exact moment I was made fun of and how it made me feel!

Uma publicação compartilhada por Jacqueline's Journey (@jacquelineadan44) em

Neste ano, mais uma vez a moça foi alvo de risadas, piadas e comentários sobre seu corpo, ainda fora dos padrões de magreza. Desta vez ela simplesmente ignorou as críticas. "Não senti que devo me justificar, não congelei ou quis chorar. Me senti livre", conta.

Visualizar esta foto no Instagram.

I think one of the number one things I get asked about my journey is how did I find the motivation to not only begin, but to keep going- especially when it becomes hard. The thing with motivation is that it is not always going to be there. There are going to be days where you just don’t feel like you have it in you. You do not feel like doing it anymore and you will feel like you want to give up. The truth is, I had many moments like this. Where I felt like it was too much and that I just could not keep going...let’s be real I STILL have days like this. Realizing you will not always be motivated is something huge and something I wish I knew before I began my journey, so that when I felt like I wanted to quit...knew that was normal and did not make me weak or a failure! Look I get it. I know it’s hard. I know there will be days you will struggle, “mess up”, and fall down. I also know there will be days you cry, bleed, sweat and feel So overwhelmed that you just think you can’t do it. I get it. I feel you. That’s normal!! It’s ok to have bad days. Days you feel off, fall down mess up...because guess what? You are human! It’s only natural to have those will happen! Realizing this is a huge step. Realizing it’s ok to mess up, and fall down. But what’s the most important thing to remember? Messing up does not make you a failure. Falling off the wagon doesn’t mean you can’t stand back up. Just because you might feel like you have hit rock bottom or don't have any motivation left doesn’t mean you are not strong enough to stand back up and keep going. The power to change is inside of you. It all starts with believing in yourself, loving yourself and knowing that as long as you are doing the best you can, you can never fail! So stand tall, dust yourself off, smile and keep moving forward. One step at a time! Also, remember if you ever feel alone, or like you just can’t do it...that I am here cheering you on and I know that you CAN do it!

Uma publicação compartilhada por Jacqueline's Journey (@jacquelineadan44) em

Para mostrar que está aproveitando a fase cheia de confiança, a youtuber publicou sua foto de maiô. "Essa sou eu. Sobras de pele, celulite estrias e tudo. Finalmente posso dizer: eu me amo!", declara.

Visualizar esta foto no Instagram.

#transformationtuesday Along my weight loss journey I have learned a lot about myself. I have learned a lot about how to respect my body and a lot about how to finally live my life, love myself, and how to handle situations when people may make fun of me or put me down. Before this used to destroy me. If anyone said anything about my body or my weight, I would be devastated for weeks! Instead of shaking it off and moving on, I allowed their comments and opinions to really affect me. Being someone who was addicted to food, it only made me keep hiding behind the food, hiding behind my weight and just keep eating. . . Then one day, while I was in Disneyland, my fav place in the finally clicked! As I was trying to get my body unstuck from a turnstile, I knew it was up to me to take back control of my life. I knew I was ready, and I didn’t know how or if I could do it, but I knew in that moment I was ready to try! . . I got home and immediately my life changed forever! I not only lost over 300 pounds, but I finally gained self love. I finally learned what it meant to love and respect my body. I learned that no matter what, other people are always going to have an opinion, a comment, or judgement about you. So why live to please others, and why not just start living to please you! When I finally learned that weight loss was not the magic key to happiness, that loving who you are and living the life you always dreamed of is what led to happiness. After I learned this I was unstoppable! . . It will not be easy. And...yes there will be times you will want to give up! But just remember..the secret is to keep going even when it gets hard, and to never give up even when others say you can’t do it, it’s about loving yourself through it all! My journey is far from over, but that’s just it, it’s a journey! Life is a journey! Life is so much better when you learn to love, respect and live for you!

Uma publicação compartilhada por Jacqueline's Journey (@jacquelineadan44) em

(Com informações do site UOL)


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