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Ex-obesa vira modelo após emagrecer 50 kg

A canadense Donna Gillie, de 30 anos, surpreendeu ao mudar radicalmente seu estilo de vida. Para evitar uma cirurgia bariátrica, a jovem - que na época pesava mais de 100 kg - decidiu fazer uma reeducação alimentar e se dedicar aos exercícios. Ao adotar n

A canadense Donna Gillie, de 30 anos, surpreendeu ao mudar radicalmente seu estilo de vida. Para evitar uma cirurgia bariátrica, a jovem - que na época pesava mais de 100 kg - decidiu fazer uma reeducação alimentar e se dedicar aos exercícios. Ao adotar novos hábitos, Donna perdeu 52 kg e acabou virando modelo de biquíni, além de participar de competições fitness. As informações são do UOL.

Em entrevista a um jornal local, a canadense disse que resolveu mudar seu estilo de vida após sentar na mesa do seu novo emprego e se “sentir muito desconfortável”.

No início do processo Donna contou com a ajuda de um instrutor, que montou um plano para perder 30 kg em dois anos, comendo mais frutas e vegetais e menos comida enlatada.

A canadense se prepara agora para seu terceiro desfile de biquíni, marcado para dezembro deste ano. Em seu perfil no Instagram, a adepta de competições fitness compartilha com seus seguidores um pouco da rotina de exercícios.

👀 Transformation Tuesday 👍 Maintaining weight loss once you get to your goal can be hard sometimes. It's good to look back at where you started to stay motivated 💯✔️. I've been maintaining ☑️ for about 5 years - I can't tell you how much I wished I'd lost the weight sooner. I was over weight between the age of 12 until into my early 20's. I'm turning 30 in March and I'm proud of how far I've come! I'm excited 😄 for new goals to be met. I feel 😊 a million times better and I'm far more comfortable in my own skin. If you are looking to transform your body this year visit 💻 and check out our body transformation packages. #ChiefInspirationalOfficer #leanaesthetics_lifestyle #maintaingoodhealth #maintainingweightloss #transformationtuesday #offseasontraining #offseasongoals #gymlifestyle #gymgoals2016 #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation

Uma foto publicada por Donna Gillie (@lifeofdonnag) em

😄Transformation Tuesday✔️ The left picture was taken in 2008 when my friend Deanna came home for a visit from out west. It was 4 years after high school ✍graduation and ✌ 2 years after college graduation. I was roughly 230lbs and not feeling the greatest about myself 😓. Shortly after this I got a gym membership at the Dartmouth Sportsplex and started working out again. I had managed to loose about 30lbs a few years before this, but ended up gaining it back - I knew the 2nd time around I was going to do better 😊. 💨 Fast forward to the right photo taken by Wayne Forrest last year after my 2nd time competing and I reached an amazing goal. No - I didn't win any 💰 prizes, trophies 🏆 or placement 🏅 at the show, but I had so much pride in my accomplishment of feeling good about myself and how 🏋 hard I worked to get there. I was down ⬇️115lbs total! I'm excited to compete again in the future 👙. To all you 💁ladies and gents 🚶 who are prepping for your shows now - keep pushing, it's totally worth it. Take all the selfies 😉 and progress pictures you can 📸 - because you all look fantastic. 📩 Visit if you are interested in a body transformation program or for contest prep details. #chiefinspirationalofficer #leanaesthetics #leanaestheticslifestyle #transformationtuesday #weightlossjourney #weightloss #weightlifting #bikiniprep #contestprep #wayneforrestphotography

Uma foto publicada por Donna Gillie (@lifeofdonnag) em

💖 Transformation Tuesday 💖 I look at photos 📸 of myself sometimes to stay motivated 😄. I hope never to go back to 230lbs but right now I'm also not 130lbs like the right photo. 💪 I've learned not to live my life by the number on the scale ⚖ because life is about balance. I'm definitely still very active and plan to stay that way - diet will always be my struggle 🍝🍦🍌🍟 but even that is getting better over time. ✔️stay motivated ✔️stay positive ✔️stay inspired #chiefinspirationalofficer #transformationtuesday #leanaestheticslifestyle #leanaesthetics #bodybuilding #motivation #fitnessmotivation #fitnessgirls #fitnessgoals #iloveblue #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney

Uma foto publicada por Donna Gillie (@lifeofdonnag) em

(Com informações do UOL)


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